Events at Strawberry Fields, Lifton

Tulip Fest 2025

keeping it green

self sustainable

Our bakery is run solely on 100% renewable energy collected on our farm by wind turbine and solar panels. Renewable energy is so important to making a positive difference and something we feel proud to be a part of.

Thank you for all your support!!

Best Large Farm Shop Winners

Over the year's we've been lucky to be nominated for multiple awards and were WINNERS of Best Large Farm Shop 2023.

Back to our roots

Where we started

It was not an uncommon sight to see customers walking out of the weigh and pay caravan weighted with buckets overflowing with ripe bright red strawberries...

From our family to yours

Featured article

The Perfect Christmas Turkey

The Perfect Christmas Turkey

Turkey is truly King of the Roast and, as many of us have this meat but once a year, it’s a real shame that it can be as dry as the Sahara Desert i...

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Read a little more about Us

The idea for “a strawberry field” came with much opposition, with many a comment from locals such as “strawberries will never sell around here!”… How wrong they were!!!